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744 Saudi Companies in Turkey, 150 of which are in Real Estate Sector

Monday 30 May 2016

In a meeting about Investment in Turkey hosted by Riyadh Chamber and attended by HE the Turkish ambassador on Tuesday 24 May 2016, Mr. ambassador avowed that the Kingdom is a strategic partner that is looked-for by all Turkish economic spectrums to enhance the common key investment partnerships, confirming that the Turkish government is keen on eliminating all barriers and obstacles that might encounter investors, indicating his readiness to receive any queries on any obstacles that might encounter Saudi investors in Turkey so as to resolve them.

A presentation on investment in Turkey was given to attendees who listened to advices of presenters and speakers about ideal investment opportunities in Turkey and the incentives that are given by the Turkish government to Saudi businessmen and investors.

Dr. Mohammed Al Kathiri, Riyadh Chamber's Secretary-General, commended the political, economic and societal harmony between the Kingdom and Turkey, pointing out that this would promote more investment between business sectors in both countries. Dr. Al Kathiri added that Turkey has become one of the leading destinations that are targeted and welcomed by Saudi investors.