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General Secretary of Riyadh Chamber in an Interview with Riyadh

Thursday 09 June 2016
​The new board will support Riyadh Chamber's orientation in order to contribute in achieving Vision 2030 . 
We are  anticipating the  new board's support to achieve vision 2030 
The Chamber adopts issues of the business sector not for defense but based on researches and studies 
The Chamber presented a distinctive model for managing the elective process 
Riyadh Prince encouraged and supported the Chamber's vision to qualify Riyadh to be a regional business center 
General Secretary of Riyadh Chamber Dr. Mohammad Alkethiri,  expressed his pride for the success of the elections of the board in its 17th cycle wh​ich ended few days ago . He said that the elections were conducted in transparency and honorable competitiveness . He also mentioned , that the organization , human capital and technical support which were provided by Riyadh Chamber in the elections , have contributed in providing a good atmosphere for conducting the elective process successfully . He also  pointed out to the role of the supervisory committee which contributed mostly in the process .