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Chairman Word

 The Word of the Chairman of the Board of Directors

Eng. Abdullah bin Abdulrahman Al-Obaikan.jpg ​ 

Riyadh Chamber continues to lead steadfastly, embodying the voice of the business sector and acting as a bridge connecting them with institutions and authorities. It plays a pivotal role in shaping economic decisions, reaffirming the strategic partnership of the private sector in achieving the goals of Vision 2030. The Chamber is not merely a platform but a driving force in enhancing the local economy by providing a fertile environment for growth and sustainable development.
At Riyadh Chamber, we are committed to embodying the aspirations of the business community and work tirelessly to promote effective dialogue with government entities, convinced that fruitful cooperation is the key to creating a promising investment environment. In the face of rapid economic transformations, we believe that innovation and collaboration are the keys to seizing opportunities and making sound decisions.
We are dedicated to providing advanced digital solutions and adopting global best practices, with continuous development of programs and events that enhance members' skills and competitiveness, thereby contributing to building a bright economic future.


Chairman of the Board

Eng. Abdullah bin Abdulrahman Al-Obaikan