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Cooperation Agreement Between Riyadh Chamber and Saudi Company for Exchanging Digital Information(SaudiEDI/Tabadul) to Link Electronic Services

Monday 31 October 2016

On Wednesday morning, 31 Aug. 2016, Riyadh Chamber and SaudiEDI/Tabadul have concluded an agreement to link the Chamber’s e-services system to Tabadul’s system. The two parties determined the cooperation mechanism of exchanging authorization certification information through Tabadul’s e-services system.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Mohammed Al Kathiri, Secretary-General of Riyadh Chamber and Engr. Musab Almubarak, CEO of SaudiEDI/Tabadul in the framework of mutual cooperation to provide more e-services to individual and corporate subscribers to the Chamber’s and Tabadul’s services.


Dr. Al Kathiri explained that these e-services would include (a) checking whether or not the subscriber has a valid subscription to Tabadul’s services through the Chamber’s electronic services, (b) sending subscribers’ requests for e-certification to Tabadul’s services according to the Chamber’s database system, (c) checking the e-certification request status of documents and requests sent by Tabadul, (d) invalidating e-certification based on Tabadul’s request, and (e) sending e-certification status account from the Chamber’s system to Tabadul’s system.

Mr. Almubarak confirmed that establishing the e-services connection between the two parties will help provide more improved services to the business sector in Riyadh region, noting the distinguished attention that Riyadh Chamber gives for providing best services to its subscribers.